Solo performance by Boris Hegenbart at the next EMITTER MICRO FESTIVAL 2019 @ KM28
With : Crys Cole, Olaf Hochherz, Boris Hegenbart
Karl-Marx-Str. 28, Berlin 12043, Germany
(* Emitter Micro Label and Festival run by Kris Limbach and Pierce Warnecke and Seiji Morimoto from Emitter19 Studios in Berlin).
Boris Hegenbart

Boris Hegenbart [#/TAU] is a Berlin composer and artist. Hegenbart’s works include sound installations, electro-acoustic concerts and computer performances, compositions for solo instruments, chamber ensembles, theatre, media-art, dance and experimental video works. In his electro-acoustic compositions, Hegenbart combines the aesthetics of 1950’s musique concrete with our day’s digital technologies of music production and sound synthesis, without restricting himself by software limitations. For him, this software, as well as music-samples and sounds of his every day life, become material to be molded according to his artistic intentions. This way Hegenbart creates the delicate and complex sound-scapes, for which he is being admired.
Olaf Hochherz

Olaf Hochherz programmed a synthesizer which simulates half-animals. Half-animals are deliberate created occurrences, which resemble notions of nature. The instrument is the result of a research, where he developed an interface to control sounds through their relation to memories, things and sounding machines – a way to let the computer sing, to let machines mime animals. The synthesizer produces different mixtures, chimera between animals and electronics, hybrid electronic algorithms. The sounds are a result of the chirping of a feedback and the memory of the sounding of the environment, created by a blurry apparatus. This instrument allows a playing with the affection to things and animals: animal-voice-transmissions.
crys cole

crys cole is a Canadian sound artist working in composition, improvised performance and sound installation. Generating subtle and imperfect sounds through haptic gestures and seemingly mundane materials, she creates textural works that continuously retune the ear.
cole has ongoing collaborations with James Rushford (AU) (as Ora Clementi) and Oren Ambarchi (AU) and has worked with Francis Plagne (AU), Leif Elggren (SW), Tetuzi Akiyama (JP), David Rosenboom (US), Keith Rowe (UK), Seiji Morimoto (JP/DE), Jessika Kenney (US), Tim Olive (JP/CA), Annea Lockwood (US/NZ) and many more. Her work has been published by Black Truffle (AU), Penultimate Press (UK), Ultra Eczema (BE), caduc. (CA), Bocian (PL), Another Timbre (UK) and Infrequency editions (CA/DE). She has performed and exhibited worldwide.